Showing posts with label Office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office. Show all posts


How to change excel as default app on mac?

Q. How to set default apps on Mac?

Unlike windows system users have to look for control panel or default programs all that, it's pretty simple on mac. Just right click the .xlsx file and choose get info.

Open with, then choose the default app you'd like to set.
Then click change all. That's it.


How to recover lost word document Mac os

「Long龙儿Er小编の話Prologue」In last post, I shared how to retrieve unsaved word document. In this post, I will share where to find the saved word document which anyhow disappeared. This Mac system is really unstable!

In this case, the users are pretty sure that we successfully saved the document. (So just ignore those replies which doubt user problem.) However, the document saved is in neither original folder nor trash. It seems this saved doc totally disappeared in the system. How weird!

Firstly, I checked the auto recovery folder by using the previous method, unfortunately, it's not there as expected. Because auto recovery function is mainly caused by accidentally power shut down or application failure, but this time the document saved was missing is another story. In my case, I found other saved docs files in document folder have been moved to desktop after I saved and closed the missing doc. Some docs just became disordered... How weird!
Secondly, I checked the recent opened word documents. This missing doc file name appeared there, however, the error message "This document is either deleted or nor currently accessible" popped up when double clicked it...

Here come the most important steps, ATTENTION!
1. Go Finder, look for private folder by using hotkey ⌘+shift+G and type "/private".
2. Open path var/folders/08/m21p3...0000gn/T (The middle path after folders may be different from mac to mac, it should be the first folder until you see the folder T.)
3. Look for folder (Final folder is
4. The .tmp file is the disappeared word document.
5. Just double click to open the file and rename and save it again.

In conclusion, always double check the file is successfully saved in the folder before closing a word file.


How to retrieve unsaved word document in Mac os?

I'm not going to repeat $TMPDIR comment method as it doesn't work for me in my case. The simplest way is:

Go to Finder, then click “Go”, and then Go to Folder and then look for this path folder: ~/Library/Containers/