If you're running out of color ideas, here are some color themes.
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
How to create dashed table border in HTML?
Have you realized by defining different style of table borders, programmers can also do the graphical design?
You may play with these parameters such as colors, thickness (in px) and dashed, dotted, double or solid.
In fact, by defining cell background colors, such table style can be achieved by pure html. It saves some coding by using CSS and easier for further use. If you keep both css and html code in one post in blogspot, this table style will also show correctly. cool right.
How do you feel like these table parameters now.
Basic table border
Code | Result | ||||||
Outer table border only
Code | Result | ||||||
Outer table dashed thick color border
Code | Result | ||||||
You may play with these parameters such as colors, thickness (in px) and dashed, dotted, double or solid.
Border Collapse
Code | Result | ||||||
CSS classes style table
Code | Result | ||||||
In fact, by defining cell background colors, such table style can be achieved by pure html. It saves some coding by using CSS and easier for further use. If you keep both css and html code in one post in blogspot, this table style will also show correctly. cool right.
CSS classes style display row line only
Code | Result | ||||||
How do you feel like these table parameters now.
How to make text flow/ scroll in HTML
Code | Result |
Code | Result |
Code | Result |
Code | Result |
By playing with this code, you may adjust scrolling speed or direction or replace text with image. Have fun.
Fonts Chart Gallery
arial black
arial narrow
black chancery
blackadder itc
book antiqua
bookman old style
century gothic
comic sans ms
copperplate gothic bold
copperplate gothic light
courier new
curlz mt
edwardian script itc
engravers mt
eras demi itc
eras light itc
estrangelo edessa
felix titling
franklin gothic medium
franklin gothic book
franklin gothic medium cond
french script mt
geotype tt-symbols
goudy old style att
greek diner inline tt
kristen itc
lucida console
lucida sans unicode
maiandra gd
matisse itc
monotype corsiva
ms reference sans serif
ms reference serif
ms reference specialty
mt extramt extra
mv boli
palatino linotype
poster bodoni att
rockwell extra bold
russel write tt
tempus sans itc
times new roman
trebuchet ms
choose type of font above and the following code:
Awesome Color Chart
color name | col | select a colour | hex | r | g | b | access |
lightpink | lightpink | #ffb6c1 | 255 | 182 | 193 | 12695295 | |
pink | pink | #ffc0cb | 255 | 192 | 203 | 13353215 | |
crimson | crimson | #dc143c | 220 | 20 | 60 | 3937500 | |
lavenderblush | lavenderblush | #fff0f5 | 255 | 240 | 245 | 16118015 | |
palevioletred | palevioletred | #db7093 | 219 | 112 | 147 | 9662683 | |
hotpink | hotpink | #ff69b4 | 255 | 105 | 180 | 11823615 | |
deeppink | deeppink | #ff1493 | 255 | 20 | 147 | 9639167 | |
mediumvioletred | mediumvioletred | #c71585 | 199 | 21 | 133 | 8721863 | |
orchid | orchid | #da70d6 | 218 | 112 | 214 | 14053594 | |
thistle | thistle | #d8bfd8 | 216 | 191 | 216 | 14204888 | |
plum | plum | #dda0dd | 221 | 160 | 221 | 14524637 | |
violet | violet | #ee82ee | 238 | 130 | 238 | 15631086 | |
fuchsia* | fuchsia* | #ff00ff | 255 | 0 | 255 | 16711935 | |
fuchsia* | fuchsia* | #ff00ff | 255 | 0 | 255 | 16711935 | |
darkmagenta | darkmagenta | #8b008b | 139 | 0 | 139 | 9109643 | |
purple* | purple* | #800080 | 128 | 0 | 128 | 8388736 | |
mediumorchid | mediumorchid | #ba55d3 | 186 | 85 | 211 | 13850042 | |
darkviolet | darkviolet | #9400d3 | 148 | 0 | 211 | 13828244 | |
darkorchid | darkorchid | #9932cc | 153 | 50 | 204 | 13382297 | |
indigo | indigo | #4b0082 | 75 | 0 | 130 | 8519755 | |
blueviolet | blueviolet | #8a2be2 | 138 | 43 | 226 | 14822282 | |
mediumpurple | mediumpurple | #9370db | 147 | 112 | 219 | 14381203 | |
mediumslateblue | mediumslateblue | #7b68ee | 123 | 104 | 238 | 15624315 | |
slateblue | slateblue | #6a5acd | 106 | 90 | 205 | 13458026 | |
darkslateblue | darkslateblue | #483d8b | 72 | 61 | 139 | 9125192 | |
ghostwhite | ghostwhite | #f8f8ff | 248 | 248 | 255 | 16775416 | |
lavender | lavender | #e6e6fa | 230 | 230 | 250 | 16443110 | |
blue* | blue* | #0000ff | 0 | 0 | 255 | 16711680 | |
mediumblue | mediumblue | #0000cd | 0 | 0 | 205 | 13434880 | |
darkblue | darkblue | #00008b | 0 | 0 | 139 | 9109504 | |
navy* | navy* | #000080 | 0 | 0 | 128 | 8388608 | |
midnightblue | >midnightblue | #191970 | 25 | 25 | 112 | 7346457 | |
royalblue | royalblue | #4169e1 | 65 | 105 | 225 | 14772545 | |
cornflowerblue | cornflowerblue | #6495ed | 100 | 149 | 237 | 15570276 | |
lightsteelblue | lightsteelblue | #b0c4de | 176 | 196 | 222 | 14599344 | |
lightslategray | lightslategray | #778899 | 119 | 136 | 153 | 10061943 | |
slategray | slategray | #708090 | 112 | 128 | 144 | 9470064 | |
dodgerblue | dodgerblue | #1e90ff | 30 | 144 | 255 | 16748574 | |
aliceblue | aliceblue | #f0f8ff | 240 | 248 | 255 | 16775408 | |
steelblue | steelblue | #4682b4 | 70 | 130 | 180 | 11829830 | |
lightskyblue | lightskyblue | #87cefa | 135 | 206 | 250 | 16436871 | |
skyblue | skyblue | #87ceeb | 135 | 206 | 235 | 15453831 | |
deepskyblue | deepskyblue | #00bfff | 0 | 191 | 255 | 16760576 | |
lightblue | lightblue | #add8e6 | 173 | 216 | 230 | 15128749 | |
powderblue | powderblue | #b0e0e6 | 176 | 224 | 230 | 15130800 | |
cadetblue | cadetblue | #5f9ea0 | 95 | 158 | 160 | 10526303 | |
darkturquoise | darkturquoise | #00ced1 | 0 | 206 | 209 | 13749760 | |
azure | azure | #f0ffff | 240 | 255 | 255 | 16777200 | |
lightcyan | lightcyan | #e0ffff | 224 | 255 | 255 | 16777184 | |
paleturquoise | paleturquoise | #afeeee | 175 | 238 | 238 | 15658671 | |
aqua* | aqua* | #00ffff | 0 | 255 | 255 | 16776960 | |
darkcyan | darkcyan | #008b8b | 0 | 139 | 139 | 9145088 | |
teal* | teal* | #008080 | 0 | 128 | 128 | 8421376 | |
darkslategray | darkslategray | #2f4f4f | 47 | 79 | 79 | 5197615 | |
mediumturquoise | mediumturquoise | #48d1cc | 72 | 209 | 204 | 13422920 | |
lightseagreen | lightseagreen | #20b2aa | 32 | 178 | 170 | 11186720 | |
turquoise | turquoise | #40e0d0 | 64 | 224 | 208 | 13688896 | |
aquamarine | aquamarine | #7fffd4 | 127 | 255 | 212 | 13959039 | |
mediumaquamarine | mediumaquamarine | #66cdaa | 102 | 205 | 170 | 11193702 | |
mediumspringgreen | mediumspringgreen | #00fa9a | 0 | 250 | 154 | 10156544 | |
mintcream | mintcream | #f5fffa | 245 | 255 | 250 | 16449525 | |
springgreen | springgreen | #00ff7f | 0 | 255 | 127 | 8388352 | |
mediumseagreen | mediumseagreen | #3cb371 | 60 | 179 | 113 | 7451452 | |
seagreen | seagreen | #2e8b57 | 46 | 139 | 87 | 5737262 | |
honeydew | honeydew | #f0fff0 | 240 | 255 | 240 | 15794160 | |
darkseagreen | darkseagreen | #8fbc8f | 143 | 188 | 143 | 9419919 | |
palegreen | palegreen | #98fb98 | 152 | 251 | 152 | 10025880 | |
lightgreen | lightgreen | #90ee90 | 144 | 238 | 144 | 9498256 | |
limegreen | limegreen | #32cd32 | 50 | 205 | 50 | 3329330 | |
lime* | lime* | #00ff00 | 0 | 255 | 0 | 65280 | |
forestgreen | forestgreen | #228b22 | 34 | 139 | 34 | 2263842 | |
green* | green* | #008000 | 0 | 128 | 0 | 32768 | |
darkgreen | darkgreen | #006400 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 25600 | |
lawngreen | lawngreen | #7cfc00 | 124 | 252 | 0 | 64636 | |
chartreuse | chartreuse | #7fff00 | 127 | 255 | 0 | 65407 | |
greenyellow | greenyellow | #adff2f | 173 | 255 | 47 | 3145645 | |
darkolivegreen | darkolivegreen | #556b2f | 85 | 107 | 47 | 3107669 | |
yellowgreen | yellowgreen | #9acd32 | 154 | 205 | 50 | 3329434 | |
olivedrab | olivedrab | #6b8e23 | 107 | 142 | 35 | 2330219 | |
ivory | ivory | #fffff0 | 255 | 255 | 240 | 15794175 | |
beige | beige | #f5f5dc | 245 | 245 | 220 | 14480885 | |
lightyellow | lightyellow | #ffffe0 | 255 | 255 | 224 | 14745599 | |
lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgoldenrodyellow | #fafad2 | 250 | 250 | 210 | 13826810 | |
yellow* | yellow* | #ffff00 | 255 | 255 | 0 | 65535 | |
olive* | olive* | #808000 | 128 | 128 | 0 | 32896 | |
darkkhaki | darkkhaki | #bdb76b | 189 | 183 | 107 | 7059389 | |
palegoldenrod | palegoldenrod | #eee8aa | 238 | 232 | 170 | 11200750 | |
lemonchiffon | lemonchiffon | #fffacd | 255 | 250 | 205 | 13499135 | |
khaki | khaki | #f0e68c | 240 | 230 | 140 | 9234160 | |
gold | gold | #ffd700 | 255 | 215 | 0 | 55295 | |
cornsilk | cornsilk | #fff8dc | 255 | 248 | 220 | 14481663 | |
goldenrod | goldenrod | #daa520 | 218 | 165 | 32 | 2139610 | |
darkgoldenrod | darkgoldenrod | #b8860b | 184 | 134 | 11 | 755384 | |
floralwhite | floralwhite | #fffaf0 | 255 | 250 | 240 | 15792895 | |
oldlace | oldlace | #fdf5e6 | 253 | 245 | 230 | 15136253 | |
wheat | wheat | #f5deb3 | 245 | 222 | 179 | 11788021 | |
orange | orange | #ffa500 | 255 | 165 | 0 | 42495 | |
moccasin | moccasin | #ffe4b5 | 255 | 228 | 181 | 11920639 | |
papayawhip | papayawhip | #ffefd5 | 255 | 239 | 213 | 14020607 | |
blanchedalmond | blanchedalmond | #ffebcd | 255 | 235 | 205 | 13495295 | |
navajowhite | navajowhite | #ffdead | 255 | 222 | 173 | 11394815 | |
antiquewhite | antiquewhite | #faebd7 | 250 | 235 | 215 | 14150650 | |
tan | tan | #d2b48c | 210 | 180 | 140 | 9221330 | |
burlywood | burlywood | #deb887 | 222 | 184 | 135 | 8894686 | |
darkorange | darkorange | #ff8c00 | 255 | 140 | 0 | 36095 | |
bisque | bisque | #ffe4c4 | 255 | 228 | 196 | 12903679 | |
linen | linen | #faf0e6 | 250 | 240 | 230 | 15134970 | |
peru | peru | #cd853f | 205 | 133 | 63 | 4163021 | |
peachpuff | peachpuff | #ffdab9 | 255 | 218 | 185 | 12180223 | |
sandybrown | sandybrown | #f4a460 | 244 | 164 | 96 | 6333684 | |
chocolate | chocolate | #d2691e | 210 | 105 | 30 | 1993170 | |
saddlebrown | saddlebrown | #8b4513 | 139 | 69 | 19 | 1262987 | |
seashell | seashell | #fff5ee | 255 | 245 | 238 | 15660543 | |
sienna | sienna | #a0522d | 160 | 82 | 45 | 2970272 | |
lightsalmon | lightsalmon | #ffa07a | 255 | 160 | 122 | 8036607 | |
coral | coral | #ff7f50 | 255 | 127 | 80 | 5275647 | |
orangered | orangered | #ff4500 | 255 | 69 | 0 | 17919 | |
darksalmon | darksalmon | #e9967a | 233 | 150 | 122 | 8034025 | |
tomato | tomato | #ff6347 | 255 | 99 | 71 | 4678655 | |
salmon | salmon | #fa8072 | 250 | 128 | 114 | 7504122 | |
mistyrose | mistyrose | #ffe4e1 | 255 | 228 | 225 | 14804223 | |
lightcoral | lightcoral | #f08080 | 240 | 128 | 128 | 8421616 | |
snow | snow | #fffafa | 255 | 250 | 250 | 16448255 | |
rosybrown | rosybrown | #bc8f8f | 188 | 143 | 143 | 9408444 | |
indianred | indianred | #cd5c5c | 205 | 92 | 92 | 6053069 | |
red* | red* | #ff0000 | 255 | 0 | 0 | 255 | |
brown | brown | #a52a2a | 165 | 42 | 42 | 2763429 | |
firebrick | firebrick | #b22222 | 178 | 34 | 34 | 2237106 | |
darkred | darkred | #8b0000 | 139 | 0 | 0 | 139 | |
maroon* | maroon* | #800000 | 128 | 0 | 0 | 128 | |
white* | white* | #ffffff | 255 | 255 | 255 | 16777215 | |
whitesmoke | whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 | 245 | 245 | 245 | 16119285 | |
gainsboro | gainsboro | #dcdcdc | 220 | 220 | 220 | 14474460 | |
lightgrey | lightgrey | #d3d3d3 | 211 | 211 | 211 | 13882323 | |
silver* | silver* | #c0c0c0 | 192 | 192 | 192 | 12632256 | |
darkgray | darkgray | #a9a9a9 | 169 | 169 | 169 | 11119017 | |
gray* | gray* | #808080 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 8421504 | |
dimgray | dimgray | #696969 | 105 | 105 | 105 | 6908265 | |
black* | black* | #000000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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