「Long龙儿Er小编の話Prologue」一提起欧洲购物,想必做过功课的同学都会想到The Mall。这个直销中心坐落在托斯卡纳佛罗伦萨的Leccio Reggello地区,是全球最好的奢侈品打折中心之一,号称“欧洲第二大名品OUTLET”。麾下有包括GUCCI等23个品牌(截止2014.4.30)。今天小编龙儿就带大家近距离预习这些大牌的历史和风格,让对奢侈品不感冒的你在去意大利购物之前,也有个大概的印象。
1. Alexander McQueen 亚历山大·麦昆
Alexander McQueen was founded in 2001 by stylist Lee Alexander McQueen, considered one of the fashion world’s greatest talents. Since May of 2010, the maison has been guided by creative director Sarah Burton, who worked by Lee McQueen’s side for more than 14 years. Internationally recognized for its unique style, Alexander McQueen is synonymous with creativity, haute couture tailoring and modernity. You will find an Alexander McQueen high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products that include shoes, jewellery, accessories, and men’s and women’s clothing. Discover the Alexander McQueen outlet collections.
◆设计风格◇McQueen以一款几乎要看见股沟的极低腰裤,震撼了整个流行界,大胆的性感,亚历山大·麦昆作品让许多人为之疯狂。聪明、智慧、坚强、勇敢的女人,不在乎她们的高矮和胖瘦,是Alexander McQueen的设计对象,他说自己不单希望她们能穿他设计的服装,更希望她们因此而坚强起来。在配饰方面,Alexander McQueen擅长配合设计一些非常独特的头饰,如动物的头角、动物的面具等;在服装表演的舞台设计方面,Alexander McQueen更是别出心裁,把表演场地选在喷水池中,亦或是将舞台设计成下着鹅毛大雪的雪地,等等,都是他的独创。Alexander McQueen说:“在我的时装发布会中,你能获得你参加摇滚音乐会时所获得的一切──动力、刺激、喧闹和激情。”尽管亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)很难抛弃他的标志性连衣裙外套、紧身腿裤和沙漏轮廓的剪裁,木纹印花的服饰在剪裁方面更加流畅,这是个例外。粉色或柠檬的花朵穿插其间,透明的裸色网纹变化,加上这两季最崇尚的边缘处理是本季亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)与众不同的设计元素。亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)的设计极其精密、微妙、敏感。底层蕾丝上花朵、鸟类的细节处理,脚踝上包裹的蕾丝,多彩的印花布,适合野外的夹克、护腿和茧型的礼服对于巴黎时装周来说都是新鲜的。
In 1975, Giorgio Armani founded his company in Milan. Since then, his name has become a leader in the world of fashion and accessories with the Giorgio Armani, Armani Emporium and Armani Jeans lines. His style is synonymous with a contemporary luxury, elegance, modernity and class that are expressed also in the décor and accessories in the Armani Casa line. You will find a Armani Jeans high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products including shoes, accessories, sunglasses and men’s, women’s and children’s clothing. Discover the Giorgio Armani outlet collections.
ARMANI JEANS是Giorgio Armani旗下以牛仔服为主打的副线品牌,针对的消费群体是主要年轻时尚的潮流一族,其设计风格在继承Giorgio Armani的简约高贵的同时,彰显一种大气的潇洒休闲风,务求在繁杂的都市生活中寻求自我和个性独立。1975年由时尚设计大师乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)创立于米兰,在美国销量最大的欧洲设计师品牌。一直以来,和Giorgio Armani这几个字母联系在一起的是随意优雅的形象,他的服装既不显得无礼或违规,也不会过于华丽和粗俗,在经典高雅和随意浪漫之间徜徉。好莱坞甚至还流行了一句话:“当你不知道要穿什么的时候,穿Armani就没错了!”不论在任何时间、场合,Giorgio Armani的都没有不合宜或不流行的问题,许多世界高层主管就是看上这种随意优雅和华丽舒适的风格,而成为忠实追随者。ARMANI JEANS牛仔系列产品与传统的牛仔品牌不同,并非一味的休闲格调,而是用明彰优雅,暗藏性感的表达来展现穿着者的与众不同,且将异国情调,文化对比以及新美学规则融入新设计元素中。
The Balenciaga high fashion maison was founded in 1918 by Spaniard Cristobal Balenciaga, icon of international style. Today, under the creative direction of Nicolas Ghesquière, Balenciaga designs prêt-à-porter, shoes and accessories whose avant-garde design continues to arouse admiration. You will find a Balenciaga high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products including shoes, accessories, jewellery and men’s and women’s clothing. Discover the Balenciaga outlet collections.
巴黎世家是时尚界最有影响力的品牌之一。1918年由克里斯托瓦尔。巴朗斯加(Cristóbal Balenciaga)成立,1936年落户巴黎,他引领了1930年到1968年之间很多重要的时尚运动。 有代表性的成衣系列体现了品牌的身份,皮具、鞋和饰品也取得了全球性的成绩。皮包是品牌的主打产品之一。Balenciaga着手发展的男士成衣系列产品也取得了显著的成功。巴黎世家的产品风格是崇尚简洁、清纯和造型考究,它的主题产品有女士和男士提包、机车包、鞋子和时装。大半个世纪以来,巴黎世家一直以时尚、典雅闻名于时装界。巴黎世家1948及1955年推出香水系列;1957年推出玩具娃娃服;1987年推出高级成衣系列;1990年再次推出香水系列,它的业务已经由女装扩展到男装、皮具和香水等,而无论在哪个领域,其产品都坚持着一贯的设计风格和简洁、清纯、优雅的特点。
Founded in Vicenza in the mid-1960’s, Bottega Veneta is a leading label in Italian lifestyle design recognised for its quality, discreet luxury and its unmistakable “woven” style. You will find a Bottega Veneta high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products that include handbags, small leather items, suitcases, prêt-à-porter, jewellery, sunglasses and items for the home. Discover the Bottega Veneta outlet collections.
有着「意大利爱马仕」之称的BOTTEGA VENETA(BV)葆蝶家,意大利奢侈品牌。采用传统意大利皮革工艺制造。产品由最初的皮包扩展至服装、高级珠宝、眼镜、香水、家具及家居用品等不同领域。源自意大利出类拔萃的手工艺传统, Bottega Veneta是皮革品牌中的翘楚,以精湛手工和优雅款式驰名,一直着重品质与技艺结合的Bottega Veneta,采用最优质的皮革配合臻致完美的手工技术,为旗下皮革精品赢得品质超卓的赞誉。2013年7月1日,意大利奢侈品牌BOTTEGA VENETA宣布了新的中文名字:葆蝶家——永葆蝴蝶梦之手工艺家!Bottega Veneta之所以矜贵,在于纵横交错的皮革简直就是耗时耗工的手艺指针,以10万起跳的Cabat为例,制作流程是,用四层最顶级Nappa小羊皮,先各把两上下黏合在一块儿,裁成条状后,再以工匠编织而成,整个工程需要十分熟练的工匠花3到4天的时间完全手工制成。编织时,以木制框架作为支撑,一体成型,整个包袋无切缝接边。在Bottega Veneta 位于Vicenza的工厂内,只有10多名工匠同时参与才能完成一个Cabat包的编制;Veneta也不简单,要先把一块光泽颜色毫无瑕疵的皮革,用机器按照固定间隔打出一个个洞,取另一块皮裁成条状,师傅再一格格把这条状皮革编到洞洞里头;这些身价不凡的包,除小羊皮和鹿皮,也推出鳄鱼皮,造价46万9千元,夺下全店最贵单品宝座。
Burberry is a luxury brand that is characterized by its pronounced English style, strong international presence and distinctive values that bring together the consensus of a multi-generational public of both men and women. You will find a Burberry high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including shoes, accessories, jewelery, watches and men’s and women’s clothing. Discover the Burberry outlet collections.
BURBERRY即博柏利(翻译挺差的),是极具英国传统风格的奢侈品牌。博柏利创办于1856年,是英国皇室御用品。过去的几十年,Burberry主要以生产雨衣,伞具及丝巾为主,而今博柏利强调英国传统高贵的设计,赢取无数人的欢心,成为一个永恒的品牌。熟悉Burberry的人们一看到“Burberry格子”就如同看到了标识。格子之于英国,如同旗帜徽章之于意大利,在英国被称为Windows,是为家族标志的象征。Burberry的招牌格子图案是Burberry家族身份和地位的象征。这种由浅驼色、黑色、红色、白色组成的三粗一细的交叉图纹,不张扬、不妩媚,自然散发出成熟理性的韵味,体现了Burberry的历史和品质,甚至象征了英国的民族和文化。在怀旧和创新兼具的今天,Burberry的格子风格成功渗透到从服装、配饰到居家用品的各个领域,经历近百年而盛名不衰。Burberry是一个很容易引起人浪漫遐想的品牌,人们喜欢它的原因,不仅因为它100多年的经典历史、标志性的格子图案,还有Rose Marie Bravo所说的“高级时装回归奢华瑰丽风尚,年轻一代从Burberry中寻回真正传统的典范”。不多说,这必定是各大奢侈品商场一层在最耀眼位置的名品之一。
6. DIOR 迪奥 (翻译成“涤漾”不是更贴近)
The historic Christian Dior maison was founded in 1947 leaving an indelible mark on high fashion which John Galliano was later able to reinterpret the quintessence of the brand for a modern audience. In 2012, Raf Simons, with his minimalist design that is always avant-garde, was appointed the new artistic director of the Haute Couture collections of the prestigious Parisian fashion house. You will find a Christian Dior high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products including shoes, accessories, sunglasses, men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and jewellery. Discover the Dior outlet collections.
克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior,简称CD),一直是炫丽的高级女装的代名词。他选用高档的华丽、上乘的面料表现出耀眼、光彩夺目的华丽与高雅女装,倍受时装界关注。他继承着法国高级女装的传统,始终保持高级华丽的设计路线,做工精细,迎合上流社会成熟女性的审美品味,象征着法国时装文化的最高精神 ,迪奥品牌在巴黎地位极高。克里斯汀·迪奥以美丽、优雅为设计理念,采取精致、简单的剪裁,以品牌为旗帜,以法国式的高雅和品位为准则,坚持华贵、优质的品牌路线,迎合上流社会成熟女性的审美品味。诱惑、创造力、女性化、华贵是CD服装风格的永恒追求。CD时装注重的是女性造型线条而并非色彩,具有鲜明的风格,强调女性隆胸丰臀、腰肢纤细、肩形柔美的曲线。CD让黑色成为了一种流行的颜色。它的晚装豪华、奢侈,在传说和创意、古典和现代、硬朗和柔情中寻求统一。
Emilio Pucci, crowned “The Prince of Prints”, became a fashion phenomenon in the 1950’s thanks to his futuristic vision. Pucci’s heritage still represents today one of the fundamental moments in the origins of the “Made in Italy” style. You will find a Pucci high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products that include shoes, accessories, jewelery, and women’s clothing. Discover the Pucci outlet collections.
Emilio Pucci,1914年出生于意大利的佛罗伦斯,意大利服装设计师,意大利品牌Emilio Pucci创始人。由于Pucci所树立的风格明显突出不易混淆,擅长将鲜艳欲滴的明亮色彩、普普艺术气味的印花图纹中、柔软轻飘的丝料质材等设计元素交织融合,可营造极为摩登气息的时髦气韵,并且同时能营造出度假式的摩登慵懒气息,穿著过程既简便又不笨重的特点,令当代女人满意不已,名声因而快速延展开来,成为所有潮流女子必备的时髦装扮。
Ermenegildo Zegna has been a protagonist of international men’s fashion since with a tailored Italian style and fabrics of impeccable quality. Inimitable taste expressed in the formal interpretations signed Ermenegildo Zegna, in perfect equilibrium between innovation and comfort in the Zegna Sport collection, and in the brand’s most fashionable declination in the Zegna line. You will find a Ermenegildo Zegna high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products that include shoes, accessories, fragrances, and men’s clothing. Discover the Ermenegildo Zegna outlet collections.
杰尼亚:Emenegildo Zegna,意大利男装精品,创始于1910年,产品包括西装、毛衣、休闲服和内衣等。杰尼亚 (Zegna) 是世界闻名的意大利男装品牌,最著名的是剪裁一流的西装,亦庄亦谐的风格令许多成功男士对杰尼亚 (Zegna) 钟爱有加。多年来,杰尼亚 (Zegna) 品牌一直是众多社会名流所青睐的对象,杰尼亚 (Zegna) 不追求新奇的款式和华丽的色彩,以其完美无瑕、剪裁适宜、优雅、古朴的个性化风格风靡全球。简洁的“Ermenegildo Zegna”显得非常有都市味。杰尼亚是男装中的极品之一,是个性与艺术性完美组合的作品,为了尽量满足在新千年中越来越多的服装个性化要求,杰尼亚至今仍专门提供量体裁衣的服务,上乘的面料通过高级制作师的精心雕琢,细致剪裁,周到呵护至每个细节,穿着舒服。他将传统工艺和现代智慧有机地结合,使杰尼亚特有的梦幻般的面料把男装艺术发挥到淋漓尽致的地步。
9. FAY
Synonymous with a timeless style and perfect synthesis between elegance and functionality, Fay proposes versatile and refined items created with Made in Italy artisan care and dedicated to those who make sober, contemporary luxury their distinctive signature. You will find a Fay high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products that include sunglasses, and women’s and men’s clothing. Discover the Fay outlet collections.
10. FENDI 芬迪
Fendi is the name that envelops the magin and flair of Rome in its hand finishing and creations and that expresses the idea of luxury in its truest significance. The eternal, sophisticated, innovative Italian luxury label that whispers charm in every detail. You will find a Fendi high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including women’s and men’s clothing, jewelery, shoes, watches, sunglasses, and accessories. Discover the Fendi outlet collections.
芬迪 (FENDI) 是意大利著名的奢侈品品牌,最早作为皮革世家,芬迪(FENDI)最出名的莫过于It Bag——FENDIBaguette手袋,外型像法式长棍,由芬迪家族的SilviaVenturiniFENDI设计。1925年芬迪品牌正式创立于罗马,专门生产高品质毛皮制品。1955年首次举行芬迪时装发布会。1965年,由于卡尔·拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)的加入,芬迪(FENDI)逐渐增加了高级女装、男装、鞋靴、香水。其后公司逐渐发展壮大,经营范围扩大到针织服装、泳装等品类,甚至开发了珠宝、男用香水等。发展至今,芬迪品牌以其奢华皮草和经典手袋在世界高级时装界享有盛誉。
In 1975, Giorgio Armani founded his company in Milan. Since then he has become leader in the world of fashion and accessories with the Giorgio Armani, Armani Emporium and Armani Jeans lines. His style is synonymous with a contemporary luxury, elegance, modernity and class that are expressed also in the décor and accessories in the Armani Casa line. You will find a Giorgio Armani high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products that include shoes, accessories, sunglasses and men’s, women’s and children’s clothing. Discover the Giorgio Armani outlet collections.
12. GUCCI 古驰
Founded in Florence in 1921, Gucci is one of the world’s leading luxury brands and an icon of style, craftsmanship and outstanding quality.The brand creates exclusive “made in Italy” products and assembles and distributes watches, combining outstanding Swiss craftsmanship with modern design aesthetics.. You will find a Gucci high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, jewelry, shoes, watches, sunglasses and accessories. Discover the Gucci outlet collections.
由Guccio Gucci创立的GUCCI王国于1921年创建于意大利的佛罗伦萨,产品已经涵盖服装、皮包皮鞋、手表、家饰品、宠物用品、丝巾与领带,更在1975年推出古驰香水产品。GUCCI一直以生产高档豪华的产品著名。无论是鞋、包还是服装,都以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为上流社会的消费宠儿。从40年代末到60年代,GUCCI接连推出了带竹柄的皮包、镶金属袢的软鞋、印花丝巾等一系列的经典设计,其产品的独特设计和优良材料,成为典雅和奢华的象征。GUCCI品牌时装一向以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,一向被商界人士垂青,时尚之余不失高雅。古驰现在是意大利最大的时装集团。
Authenticity, research, innovation. The world of Hogan is a magnificent combination of informal elegance and essential design. Artisan inspired workmanship, clean lines and the highest quality materials are the elements that characterize Hogan’s innovative aesthetic model. Shoes, accessories, jewelry, sunglasses and clothing ideal for daily urban living with elegance that is never conventional and responds to the criteria of quality and functionality. Discover the Hogan outlet collections.
14. LANVIN 浪凡 or 朗雯
Founded in 1889 by fashion icon Jeanne Lanvin, Lanvin is the oldest French maison de couture. Today, the label is a point of reference in Parisian luxury for men’s and women’s prêt-à-porter, accessories, shoes and for the Petite and ceremony collections. Since 2001, Alber Elbaz has headed the artistic division and the brand has evolved, becoming a global universe of elegance, sophistication and modernity. You will find a Lanvin high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products that include women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, jewelry, shoes, and accessories. Discover the Lanvin outlet collections.
LANVIN是法国历史最悠久的高级时装品牌。其创始人Jeanne Lanvin是在一战和二战期间十分活跃的名师之一,她开创的优雅精致的风格,为时尚界带来一股积淀着深厚文化底蕴的思潮。要能让品牌走过近百年时光并不容易,特别是在时尚领域上,诞生于1867年的Jeanne Lanvin,不仅在十九世纪创立了以她为名的LANVIN品牌,更由于她个人对于艺术特有的热爱与涵养,LANVIN的时尚王国从不盲从流行。在她所树立的品牌风范中,简单俐落的剪裁及颜色搭配的深厚功力,都一再让这位时尚大师的精彩设计,赢得时尚人士的拥戴。就在十八世纪末期LANVIN与许多当时的时尚尖兵,共同破除了贵族才能享受时装的传统,传承十九世纪精致剪裁是Lanvin品牌,在男女装时尚朝流中特有风格,除了服装方面的作品,在饰品上也有如:鞋子、皮带、大小皮件、甚至有香水等完整系列商品,可供独钟精致时尚艺术的人士选择。而由Jeanne Lanvine个人所钟爱的Famous Lanvin Blue,更是该品牌的一大特色。到了二十世纪男装的作品发表,更奠定了她在时装领域的版图。
Making quality without compromise its mission, Loro Piana has been supplying the most sophisticated and demanding clients with prestigious fabrics for six generations, offering exclusive lines for women, men and children, home decor, accessories and gifts for over twenty years. You will find a Loro Piana high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes, and accessories. Discover the Loro Piana outlet collections.
来自Trivero 的Loro Piana家族是十九世纪初的毛绒织品商人,Pietro Loro Piana于1924年4月24日一手创立现有的Loro Piana公司。家族经营至今已是第六代,为讲求品味及对质量有要求的顾客提供上等的羊绒与羊毛,因而成为全球最大的开司米制造商及最大的羊毛采购商。在过去二百年来,Loro Piana一直追求卓越的质量和手工,为满足顾客对生活品味和生活方式的不同需求,推出男装,女装,童装,家用饰品,配饰及礼品系列。由于品牌家族成员代代爱马术和扬帆出海等活动,所以,不难发现品牌的衣饰设计,都包含不少运动元素。意大利高级品牌Loro Piana(LP)一直以严格选用最高品质的羊毛、羊绒而闻名于世,服装的可穿性、功能性及舒适性均备受推崇。在每一件服装中,都渗透了手工精细、质素卓越及矢志追求美感的精品艺术。人手缝线、精致手工、麖皮细节及个性化配件确保LORO PIANA稳占奢华精品市场的领导地位。
Roberto Cavalli is famous for his prints that represent fantasy and love for nature, and for the capacity to understand and glorify the feminine charm. The Roberto Cavalli style is unpredictable: endlessly evolving in continuous exploration. You will find a Roberto Cavalli high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Centre that offers exclusive products including women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, jewellery, shoes, fragrances, sunglasses, watches and accessories. Discover the Roberto Cavalli outlet collections.
罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 是时装界、艺术界、现在更扩展到香水界的标新立异的独创者。他是一个时尚的先驱者和创造者,对时尚潮流的把握从来都准确无误。在罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 的创作中,总是强调表现野性的、充满欲望的女性。罗伯特·卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 同样也是世界闻名的乘喷气式飞机到处旅游的富豪,也因其举行盛大的宴会以及参加宴会的富贾名流而著称。当然,这些富商名流从头到脚都穿戴的是Roberto Cavalli品牌。
Among the most important and internationally known “Made in Italy” luxury labels, Salvatore Ferragamo, founded in 1927 weds craftsmanship to creative tradition. These factors have allowed it to become a world leader in the production of shoes, leather goods, clothing, perfumes and accessories. You will find a Salvatore Ferragamo high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including women’s and men’s clothing, jewelry, shoes, fragrances, sunglasses and accessories. Discover the Salvatore Ferragamo outlet collections.
SALVATORE FERRAGAMO以制鞋起家,奥黛丽赫本、苏菲亚罗兰、玛丽莲梦露等都曾是他忠实的支持者。而FERRAGAMO的服装系列也秉承了意大利的传统设计精神,不但采用最优质的材料,更配合精湛的工艺,时尚优雅与质量并重。由在美国设计电影所用的鞋履开始, Ferragamo 的名字与影圈结下不解缘。Ferragamo 热衷于为世界各地之明星制作鞋履。Ferragamo一直为鞋业发展及推广不遗余力。Salvatore Ferragamo不仅希望把他对制鞋的知识与经验传承给他的家族及企业,更希望可以给世界分享他对鞋子的热忱。
Founded in San Mauro Pascoli in Romagna during the 1950’s, the Sergio Rossi label is renowned the world over for its artisan workmanship workmanship, quality and contemporary and elegant design of it's luxury handbags and men's and women's shoes exclusively "Made in Italy". Discover the Sergio Rossi outlet collections.
Sergio Rossi,意大利人。为鞋业内的楚翘,直到现在,仍然处于领导地位,曾与GENNY、的Gianni Versace、Giorgio Armani、Dolce&Gabbana、Yves Saint Laurent等一线时尚品牌合作。一款“Opanca”鞋,即为Sergio Rossi自创鞋款,外型是结合多元化的材质与夸张鞋饰而成,在当时引起流行与抄袭之风,并使德国厂商赞赏不已,但是Sergio Rossi仍然决定坚守限量生产的原则,展现对品质与艺术的执着坚持。
19. STELLA McCARTNEY 斯特拉·麦卡特尼
Stella McCartney is one of the most renowned and appreciated labels of the new generation of stylists. Created in 2001, the brand represents a unique proposal in the luxury sector thanks to a feminine and seductive style, attracting a young, dynamic clientele. You will find a Stella McCartney high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, jewelry, shoes and accessories. Discover the Stella McCartney outlet collections.
斯特拉·麦卡特尼 (Stella McCartney),是甲壳虫乐队 Beatles 成员之一—保罗·麦卡特尼的女儿,自幼受摇滚乐薰陶的斯特拉·麦卡特尼 (Stella McCartney),在伦敦著名学府中央圣马丁学院 (Central Saint Martins College) 主修美术及设计。斯特拉·麦卡特尼 (Stella McCartney) 的时装是穿着舒适的、性感的和具有现代风格的,正如她所希望的那样,她的设计能够带给女性力量与自信的感觉。贴身低腰裤、斜裁及膝裙、心型碎钻眼镜,以及用飞鹰、虎头和花花公子兔头作图案的放射印花的T-shirt和背心,斯特拉·麦卡特尼 (Stella McCartney) 的设计作品融合了复古和摇滚的特异风格,不断成为各地有性格的时尚女性的最爱。除了保留 Chloe 原有的自信、成熟和浪漫的女性化风格,斯特拉·麦卡特尼 (Stella McCartney) 在设计中更加入许多歌颂大自然的、有趣的图案,如动物和植物等。
20. TOD'S 托德斯
Quality, tradition and innovation are the fundamental values of Tod’s, the brand that represents the high quality, craftmanship and creativity of "Made in Italy". From the precious materials used to the attention to detail, the Tod's collections are the essence of contemporary luxury. You will find a Tod’s high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including jewelry, shoes, sunglasses and accessories. Discover the Tod’s outlet collections.
世界十大奢侈名牌之一。Tod's最初只是一家家庭作坊式的家族小鞋厂,上世纪40年代发展成为规模庞大的集团,在天才Deigo DellaValle的经营下,Tod's成功上市,2003年财政年度营业额3.87亿欧元。2004年3月底,Tod's集团销售网络包括107家直营店以及29家经销店,一起经营Tod's,Hogan,Fay 和 Roger vivier 等品牌。完美的质地和创造力,经典与现代的巧妙结合,这些是Tod's集团得以长期占据国际市场重要地位的战略原则,作为世界制鞋业和皮革业的引领者,主打品牌为Tod's,同时还有Hogan以及奢侈服饰品牌Fay。优雅而简洁的奢华,追求极致的品味,令人羡慕的质地,这些便是长久以来Tod's标志性的特征,这同时也是Tod's能够拥有无数忠实拥趸的原因。Tod’s所有的产品都是意大利制造,每个产品的每个制作步骤都是手工制作。Tod’s每一季的产品都是最新设计而成。
21. TOM FORD 汤姆·福特
In April 2005, Tom Ford announced the creation of the TOM FORD brand and it has fast become one of the world's leading luxury fashion houses, renown for its style, craftsmanship and outstanding quality. Encompassing mens and womenswear, shoes, accessories, beauty and eyewear, the TOM FORD name represents the ultimate in luxury and exclusivity. You will find a Tom Ford high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including men’s, women’s clothing, shoes, sunglasses and accessories. Discover the Tom Ford outlet collections.
Established in Rome in 1962, the Valentino fashion house is one of the highest expressions of couture savoir faire and the excellence that has made Italian products famous worldwide. Lightness, grace, and precious delicacy are in the DNA of Valentino. Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli have been its Creative Directors since 2008; under their directory the fashion house's iconographic legacy has been reinterpreted and recontextualized. You will find a Valentino high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including women’s and men’s clothing, jeweler, shoes, sunglasses and accessories. Discover the Valentino outlet collections.
富丽华贵、美艳灼人是华伦天奴品牌的特色,华伦天奴喜欢用最纯的颜色,鲜艳的红色可以说是他的标准色,精瓦伦蒂做工十分考究,从整体到对每一个小细节都做得尽善尽美。华伦天奴是豪华、奢侈的生活方式象征,极受追求十全十美的名流忠爱。华伦天奴 (Valentino) 是全球高级定制和高级成衣最顶级的奢侈品品牌。说起华伦天奴 (Valentino),人们自然会感受到这个名字所具有的罗马贵族气息。华伦天奴 (Valentino) 代表的是一种宫廷式的奢华,高调之中却隐藏深邃的冷静,从60年代以来一直都是意大利的国宝级品牌。华伦天奴 (Valentino) 大师的设计讲究运用柔软贴身的丝质面料和光鲜华贵的亮缎绸,加之合身剪裁及华贵的整体配搭,舒展了名流淑女们梦寐以求的优雅风韵。
Under the guidance of creative genius Monsieur Saint Laurent, this label has become one of the greatest names of the 20th century, with a story and a French patrimony without equal. Today, this brand’s products include prêt-à-porter for men and women, handbags, small leather goods, shoes and jewelry. You will find an Yves Saint Laurent high fashion store in The Mall Outlet Center that offers exclusive products including women’s and men’s clothing, jewelry, shoes and accessories. Discover the Yves Saint Laurent outlet collections.
“优雅不在服装上,而是在神情中。”这句话出自伊夫·圣·洛朗 (Yves Saint Laurent)。 这位展现跨年代魅力,对时尚圈呼风唤雨的重量级设计师Yves Saint Laurent,对于奠定法国巴黎为时尚之都的情势功不可没,他拥有艺术家的浪漫特质,他对色彩的精准拿捏以及挑战世俗的大胆作风,为时装界注入一股新新动力,让时尚彻底活了起来。圣罗兰香水四十多年前成立于巴黎。创始人伊夫圣洛朗最开始为迪奥公司设计时装,后成立自己的品牌,前卫而古典,至今品牌的旗舰产品仍然是昂贵的高级时装,品牌产品中包括时装,香水、饰品、鞋帽,、护肤化妆品及香烟等。
- 30 APR 2014 | LONG ER
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