Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts


HTML div code

▶Browser Support
Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari
tag is supported in all major browsers.
▶Definition and Usage
tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.
tag is used to group block-elements to format them with styles.
▶Tips and Notes
Tip: The
element is very often used together with CSS, to layout a web page.
Note: Browsers always place a line break before and after the
Specifies the alignment of the contentalign=center
background-colorHEX colorSpecifies the color of the backgroundbackground-color: yellow;
background-color: #c0c0c0;
classclassnameSpecifies a classname for an elementclass="background"
stylestyle_definitionSpecifies an inline style for an elementstyle="color:#00FF00"


The reference to entity "path" must end with the ';' delimiter.

Solution: replace "&" with "& amp;" (remove space in between)

When I try to add this url
to top menu, blogger pops up this error message:
Error parsing XML, line 935, column 90: The reference to entity "path" must end with the ';' delimiter.

This is because "&" is a reserved character in XML that means "an XML entity begins here". You need to encode them as an entity to solve that problem.

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HTML email link code

Normal questions:

Q. How to add email link to text?

Q. How to auto fill in email subject and body?

(Click link below to try)

Example 1:
Email me
HTML Code 1:
<a href="">Email me</a>
Example 2:
Email me again!
HTML Code 2:
<a href="">Email me again!</a>
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How to create dashed table border in HTML?

Have you realized by defining different style of table borders, programmers can also do the graphical design?

Basic table border

Table HeaderTable Header
Table cell 1Table cell 2
Table cell 3Table cell 4

Outer table border only

Table HeaderTable Header
Table cell 1Table cell 2
Table cell 3Table cell 4

Outer table dashed thick color border

Table HeaderTable Header
Table cell 1Table cell 2
Table cell 3Table cell 4

You may play with these parameters such as colors, thickness (in px) and dashed, dotted, double or solid.

Border Collapse

Table HeaderTable Header
Table cell 1Table cell 2
Table cell 3Table cell 4

CSS classes style table

Table HeaderTable Header
Table cell 1Table cell 2
Table cell 3Table cell 4

In fact, by defining cell background colors, such table style can be achieved by pure html. It saves some coding by using CSS and easier for further use. If you keep both css and html code in one post in blogspot, this table style will also show correctly. cool right.

CSS classes style display row line only

Table HeaderTable Header
Table cell 1Table cell 2
Table cell 3Table cell 4

How do you feel like these table parameters now.

How to make text flow/ scroll in HTML

scrolling to the left

scrolling to the right

scrolling upwards

Slow scroll speed Medium scroll speed Fast scroll speed

By playing with this code, you may adjust scrolling speed or direction or replace text with image. Have fun.