
How to install Joomla Templates

1. Log in the back-end site. [www.(siteName).com/administrator]
2. Click Extensions -> Extension Manager
Upload your downloaded template files (normally zip format) from PC, and then click "Upload & Install".
There are 3 ways to upload a template as you can see (Upload Package File, Install from Directory, and Install from URL).
Normally I browse websites to download my favorite templates and after that upload to the server.
3. Wait for notification
If there is no error in the package file, you will probably see:
Unfortunately, you will see this:
In this case, you need to make sure your downloaded template version matches the platform or your account has the permission to upload to the server.
Notes: there is no pop up box telling you success or fail, and sometimes nothing is shown after you click "upload & Install" button...(所以我叫它爱抽风的Joomla!!!)
4. View uploaded new template
Click Extensions -> template manager
You are able to view all template styles under this template manager.
Wish you good luck in the future design!
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