
Ukulele 小幸运 弹唱 歌词及英文翻译 A little happiness




小幸运 A little happiness - Hebe 田馥甄
电影 我的少女时代 Our times 主题曲 movie theme song

我听见雨滴 落在青青草地
I heard the raindrop falling on the green
我听见远方 下课钟声响起
I heard the school bell ringing in distance
可是我没有听见你的声音 认真呼唤我姓名
But I didn't hear your voice conscientiously calling my name

爱上你的时候 还不懂感情
When I fell in love with you I didn’t know it
离别了 才觉得刻骨铭心
Only after farewell moment was engraved on my heart
为什么没有发现 遇见了你 是生命最好的事情
Why didn’t I realize that knowing you was the best thing in my life


也许当时 忙着微笑和哭泣
Maybe we were busy laughing and weeping
chasing shooting stars in the sky
Maybe we took things for granted
是谁风里 雨里 一直默默守护在原地
that who's always been here standing by my side

原来你是 我最想留住的幸运
It turns out you were the one I wanted the most
原来我们 和爱情曾经靠得那么近
It turns out we were once so close to love
那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨
the decision that I meant to be fought the world and the rain we got caught
一幕幕都是你 一尘不染的真心
It was always you and your truthful heart

与你相遇 好幸运
It was so lucky to meet you
可我已失去 为你泪流满面的权利
Although I’ve lost the right to shed tears for you
但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼
Hope somewhere I couldn't see you've spread your wings
遇见你的注定 她会有多幸运
You’ve found the one for you How lucky she would be


Youth was a journey of many twists and bruises
with the beauty of understood backwards
来不及感谢 是你给我勇气 让我能做回我自己
Haven't got a chance to thank you for giving me the courage to be myself


刻骨铭心:engraved on my heart
That moment is forever engraved on my heart. 那一刻永远地铭刻在了我的心上。
The memory remains sharply engraved on my mind. 这件事仍然深深地铭刻在我心中。

Meant to be:照理,应该。翻译中有好多种不同说法。
This speech is meant to be thrown away. 这段话要漫不经心地说出来。
She has learned what it meant to be under dog. 她已经领略到了受别人摆布的滋味。

When a girl said that she no longer cares about you
It doesn't mean that she hates you
It means she cares about you a lot
Absolutely, truly, doubtlessly cares about you

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